The A++ Club

The A++ club creates a storyline that teaches middle-schoolers how STEM subjects relates to their lives in an easy to understand and fun way.

The A++ Club inspires to instill a love of STEM subjects in middle schoolers


Four years ago, the Third International Math and Science Study, took middle schools from seventeen nations including the United States, and compared the level of STEM education of students from each country. Fourth grade students from the U.S. scored about average, ranking ninth out of the 17 countries. By the 8th grade, however, the students scored significantly below the international average and were ranked above twelve out of seventeen.In simplest terms, middle school students are entering high school underprepared for STEM subjects.


My project creates a storyline of three cartoon characters, Abe, Aaron, and Amy. These characters make up the A++ Club. Through these characters, middle schoolers have the opportunity to learn (in a fun way) how STEM subjects are relative to their lives.

  • Graphic & UI Design
  • Illustrator
  • Book Author
  • Web Developer
Built With
  • Photoshop (Design)
  • Illustrator (Design)
  • InDesign (Design)
  • Ruby on Rails (Development)

The characters


Marketing Materials

Business Card Design

The business card design compliments the A++ Club brands color scheme.


Standard size stationary design that fits brands style guide.


3-tiered brochure which gives the reader more information about the A++ club and its philosophy.


Why numbers are kinda a big deal

The Book

Much in our daily lives is defined in numerical terms. But what exactly is a number? ‘Why number’s are (kinda) a big deal’ tells the history of how humans began to count and why. The target audience for this book is children aged 9-12.

All illustrations and writing were done by me. This project as a whole took about 3 months of research, and 3-4 months of writing and illustrating.


Wireframes + live app Coming Soon